The Barcelona Choir

Professional Choir

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About The Barcelona Choir – professional choir based in Barcelona, Spain

The Barcelona Choir was born in the spring of 2014.

Together with the hope and desire to grow, we immediately set ourselves goals.

We now regularly headline festivals, perform at high-end corporate events and entertain at weddings in Barcelona and internationally!

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More information about The Barcelona Choir

We presented ourselves at the casting of the second edition of a prestigious TV contest. And nobody would have said it then...we were winners!

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That's how the group's musical history started.

We introduced ourselves to the world with our first album which brought us on tour to Catalonia, the Balearic Islands and Europe in more than fifty concerts, going through posters such as the Cap Roig Festival and the Festival Greek of Barcelona.

The second spectacle came to the winter of 2015, accompanied by the Chamber Orchestra of Granollers. A special concert that brought together more than 25 musicians on the stage and that in 2016 took the form of a musical DVD.

With only three years of life, we have achieved many more things than we had ever imagined.

But we do not stop: innovation, overcoming and creativity are the engines that make us move forward.

So if you're looking to hire the finest choir Spain has to offer for your wedding or event, get in touch with The Barcelona Choir.

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En español

In Crescendo va néixer la primavera del 2014. Units per la il·lusió i les ganes de créixer, de seguida vam plantejar-nos objectius.

Així va arrencar la història musical del grup.

Ens vam presentar al món amb el nostre primer disc que ens va portar de gira a Catalunya, Balears i Europa en més de cinquanta concerts, passant per cartells com el del Festival de Cap Roig i el Festival Grec de Barcelona.

El segon espectacle va arribar a l'hivern de 2015, acompanyats de l'Orquestra de Cambra de Granollers. Un concert especial que reunia més de 25 músics sobre l'escenari i que al 2016 va prendre forma de DVD musical.

Amb només tres anys de vida podem explicar moltes més coses de les que mai havíem imaginat. Però no ens aturem: la innovació, la superació i la creativitat són els motors que ens fan avançar.

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